The full list of nominations can be found here:
NB - the press release incorrectly states that polls open at 8AM. They actually open at 9AM.

Nominations2014.pdf |
- 35 candidates in total. 13 running for the 6 Sabbatical Officers, 14 for Part Time Executive roles, 5 running for NUS Delegate (there are 6 places), and 3 running for Student Trustee (there are 3 places).
- There are 4 slates. TeamABC, headed by the presidential candidate Becky Howe; ForOxford, headed by the presidential candidate Will Obeney; Right to Education, assumed to be headed by James Elliott (candidate for Trustee); and Team Women comprising VP Women candidate Lucy Delaney and Womens Officer candidate Aliya Yule. There are also two independent candidates for President, Adam Roberts, and Sam Wiseman (who has already been labelled as a joke candidate online).
- Independent candidates are also running in a number of the other positions (we shall talk more about these at a later date)
- Four candidates for President, 4 for VP Access and Academic Affairs, and 2 for VP Graduates.
- The Vice Presidents Charities and Community, Welfare and Equal Opportunities, and Women, are all uncontested.
- Several Part Time Executive positions received no nominations: Graduate International Officer, Graduate Welfare Officer, Mature Students Officer, Rent and Accommodations Officer, International Students officer, Community Outreach and Charities Officer, and Environment and Ethics Officer.
- As mentioned above, NUS and Trustee will be elected unopposed, and there we no more nominations than positions available.
Overall, Im glad to see so many people running for President, VP Access and Academic Affairs, and VP Graduates. I hope it will promote true debate and engage people. However it is bitterly disappointing that so few have nominated for the critical roles of NUS and Trustee. These people really do need to be the best of the best - and I have some serious concerns about some of them - but that's for another time.
TeamABC are just running 3 sabbatical officers. This appears to be an attempt to not be seen as a mega-slate, however could restrict both their activist base and expenditure limit. ForOxford have gone for a more traditional model, but are very St. John's centric. Right to Education have played a blinder, having elected 4 NUS delegates and a Trustee before the starters pistol has been fired - they will have that extra expenditure, secured by running these positions, available to spend on their key battles in VP Access and Academic Affairs, Common Room Support Officer, Disabled Students Officer, and LGBTQ Officer.
At this stage, noone knows whats going to happen, it's all a bit of a mess - just like me as a write this. I'm excited that the elections are upon us and there will hopefully be some good discussions, but angry and disappointed students wont get a choice in some key elections. It would be wrong to take that anger out on people like RightToEducation - they played their hand and have secured 4 NUS spots. They've done nothing wrong. Whose fault it is though, is still up for grabs......
More analysis to come soon, especially when we get the manifestos.....